Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's 5 am. Just go with it...

It's is brewing, cigarette is being smoked, and I barely slept even three hours. This is because.... here goes.... MY SOLDIER IS COMING HOME TONIGHT!!!!!!!! He's been in Afghanistan the past year on deployment. This is our second deployment. The first one was a few years ago when he deployed to Iraq for 15 months. (yawn) this coffee ready yet?... Anywho...we have 3 babies! Well, not exactly babies anymore, but they're our babies! Makayla is 9, Joey is 6, and Kadenbug is 2 1/2. right back. COFFEEEEE!!!!!........................... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh warm coffee!

Ok, so a little more about myself. hmmm...I just can't seem to come up with a good blog introduction. I haven't taken any writing classes or anything. Just like to write my thoughts, stories, poems, jokes, songs, ect... So bare with me! paaallleeease! Plus it's early (5am) like I said before. So my brain is a haze! I seriously feel like my brain is on tranquillizers, and my body is on speed. I just kind of run around not thinking anymore. Just do, no think! zooommm....zooommmm... When I finish doing what I did, do you really want me to tell you what I did? I can't! I just did it. Hell if I know what I did in the kitchen, but hmmm...looks clean! I'm not complaining. I blame this on my kids and husband. Between mommy this, baby that (my hunny calls me baby). Did you get me this? Did you pack that in my bookbag? Did you sign here? It's all become a physical routine. I seriously don't have to, nor can anymore, think! ...I'm not exactly sure how much of a good thing that is anymore.... Buuutttt.... I bet a lot of mommy's can relate! It's like forget how our brain has a computer log of things to do. Our bodys have that computer log now! sip...ahhhh...Thank God for coffee!!

You know, I look back thinking of how I only finished high school. I mean I did some cosmetology school, but never any college. I think...WOW! I'm 29, married, and I have 3 children (beautiful, snot nosed children). I stay home, and I cllleeeeaaaannn! That's pretty much all I do I thought. Then, I realized.... I've done some things pretty great in life that even to me has, and probably will go unnoticed by others as well. For one, I'm raising 3 little people who will be adults in the future. Of course that is important, but I'm also supporting an American soldier, who has served his country here stateside, and overseas. Now, I know I don't make him (who he is). I'm not that vain. What I, myself has come to realize, that all I have done here, so he has no worries, and can complete his missions, tasks, ect..or whatever you want to call them has impacted that for him, and his part on serving his country. I'm pretty much the silent soldier. Ok, no I haven't earned the right to officially be called a soldier, and no I am not trying to take away all what American soldiers have gone through to earn that right to be called a soldier. I'm just saying, we military spouses are consistantly on a mission. We're on the silent missions. In the background. .....more COFFEE..... My point is, no matter how insignificant the things you do daily may seem to you, they ARE NOT! We all have our role in this life. Even if we can't see what that may be just yet.... unless of course you're a crackheaded prostitute, or a deadbeat dad who lives in your daddy's upstairs, drinking boos all day and night. Then you suck! ;) That's a whole 'notha story!!

So I am totally all over the place, but I did warn you in the beginning that it's early, my brain is hazey, and I am NO trained writer, or whatever! I like to write as I think, or would talk to you. So randomness is pretty much what you're gonna get! Oh, I also like the shock value of randomly saying off the wall stuff. So you just never know when a tourette moment may kick in!

This blog goes out to first. my heart & soul, SGT. Lee Seckinger! YAY! He's coming hoooommmmmeeee!! HOAH!!!! Second, Esther for inspiring me to take the plunge and start writing again! Thank you for that! :)

P.S. I previewed this post, and the time is incorrect. Gotta fix that... :/


  1. Awesome!!! It sure sounds like you. it!!

  2. I think we have the beginnings of Acrostic Stacy.

    This is what I call you now. Remember years from now, when we run into one another in an AA meeting in Baton Rouge, how you got this nickname. ;)

    Silent Soldier
    America to Afghanistan, Afghanistan to America

    All Nouns. Your turn, Seckinger.

  3. Love it! <3 Acrostic Stacy! Yep! That definitely is me! hehe ;)
